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Tag: laravel-fortify

Laravel 8.55 with Fortify showing Class ‘AppProvidersUser’ not found while login

I have installed laravel 8.55.0 and installed fortify with it for the authentication handling. Registration is working fine and login also validation is working fine. but when I enter email and password (either right or wrong) it’s displaying Class ‘AppProvidersUser’ not found I checked all files but cannot find the problem, can you guys please suggest a good solution for

Login with username or email Laravel fortify fails validation

I’m new to laravel, I’m creating a login system where a user can login with username or email. When I submit the form, it returns with an error The username field is required. LoginRequest.php FortifyServiceprovider.php Fortify.php login.blade.php Please any help would be appreciated. thanks Answer Add name attribute to both input fields username and password login.blade.php

Laravel logoutOtherDevices with Fortify

I built a Laravel app with Fortify authentication. There was a requirement that when the users log in, they should be logged out from all other devices. In the Laravel documentation, it is mentioned that I can use the Auth::logoutOtherDevices($password); method. But it is not clear how to use this with Fortify. I tried to use this inside the Fortify::authenticateUsing(function
