I have a number field and a drop-down list that I am using as part of a form, as follows: The $messages variable is an array that stores any error messages generated by the form. The bit between the <?php & ?> tags are there to ensure that if there is an error, that it will echo back the values
Tag: forms
Submit button is downloading the php instead of running it
I’m trying to make a contact form for my website but when I press submit, the php file is downloaded instead of being ran. I am using chrome but don’t think that should matter I think there’s a syntax error but I’ve messed around with removing, adding and stuff and even when there is no syntax errors, it still downloads
how to upload an image on ACF with update_field on wordpress
I have a form, which has an upload ($_FILES[‘watch_photo’]) field. I have looked around and came to put this function together. It basically takes all relevant information so it is re-usable in the future, it will return an array of the $pid, and URL of the file, when it is done. The problem is that ACF has not provided much
Hidden Input Values not being passed through form to New URL
I have a small html file working in the frame of a website. It currently requests a zip code and then calls a php page to query the database. The iframe gets the id number from the parent page and then gets the zip code from its own page. Here is the code snippet. However, When I enter the zip
Symfony2 Validating an optional field
In my form, I have a field with required option set to false, this field is optional. However, I would like to have a notBlank validation on this field when the field is used: Right now, I can’t use the validation constraint NotBlank because it will cause my form validation to fail when the field is unused. I tried something
submitting the form after successful paypal money transaction using php
I’ve made a form. Currently this form does the following operations: customer fills up the form (creates an order) clicks on “Submit” button all form entries are entered into a database. I’d like to change it to do the following operations: customer fills up the form in the end of the form there is a text box showing much this
Submitting a form using
I’m having a little trouble with this and can’t see what I’m doing wrong. I have this form: So when the user clicks the button it should submit the form then have this PHP to act upon the form (I know that the sql isn’t a prepared statement and is vulnerable to injections but this will be done later): However
Change Form Elements Depending On Selected Option
I have seen several sites where there is a form, starting with a dropdown box, and depending on the box chosen there is different form elements, for example, let’s say I wanted to make an uploader script, the dropdown box might hold: And is Upload is selected I would want a browse file element, while with Delete selcted maybe only
Multiple inputs with same name through POST in php
Is it possible to get multiple inputs of the same name to post and then access them from PHP? The idea is this: I have a form that allows the entry of an indefinite number of physical addresses along with other information. If I simply gave each of those fields the same name across several entries and submitted that data
Can enctype=”multipart/form-data” be used for non file inputs as well?
Is this allowed? It will be used with PHP… Answer Yes, it’s absolutely correct. No issues.