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Tag: fonts

How can I omit Helvetica with TCPDF?

I’m making a PDF with TCPDF, and I’m trying to make the file as small as possible. The font I’m using is Open Sans. I’m not (intentionally, at least) using Helvetica anywhere in the PDF. When I view the included fonts with Adobe Reader in my outputted PDF file, both Open Sans and Helvetica are listed. I have noticed that

How do you add custom fonts in TCPDF?

I would like to add a custom font to a pdf I’m generating using TCPDF. I might be missing something but the docs seem to be out dated. They are referencing the addTTFfont() function but I think it’s been deprecated and no longer exists in the latest version of TCPDF. I read that I need to convert the ttf file

use font in mPDF generated document

I would like you to help me with this issue, I’m dealing for the first time with mPDF which I think it’s great, but I want to display the report with the same type of font as my web, which on its documentations explains how to achieve this, but it doesn’t still seems to work for me. What I did
