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Tag: fetch

PHP MYSQL $row[$variable]

I am trying to work around with dynamic table creation and data fetching. I am trying to get the data using following code : But, I am unable to get any data back. I checked printing the query and running it in php my admin and its working as I want. But I guess variable in array might not be

Return One Row from MySQL

Amateur question, but something I’ve been wondering about. What is the PHP for selecting one row from a MySQL query? AKA you’re picking something by unique ID (you know there’s only one row that matches your request) and want to get only that value. Do you still have to use a while loop and mysql_fetch_row? Answer Add limit 0,1 and

Return an array from mysqli stmt query

I’m trying to convert a site to use prepared mysql statements, however I’m having some trouble replacing my use of fetch_array(). The comments on offer a solution which I would have thought should work but for some reason I’m getting strange undefined constant errors when calling a function via call_user_func_array() can someone suggest a better way of doing it?
