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Tag: eloquent

Improve eager loading with multiple relationships of the same type

I have the following model: When I do Message::with([‘sender’, ‘receiver’])->all(), eager loading executes the following queries: That’s almost the least redundant way possbile. But it still loads user 3 and user five two times. Is there a way to further improve this using eloquent and eager loading? Answer No, not really. The example you provided is an exception, nothing tells

Laravel | How to use Pivot table with Relationship

I have a question about the relationship. I have an activity model and controller. I guess I searched a lot, I find an attached method for this. But idk how to use it. I have an activity table like this: And another table is activity_asset like this: Now I don’t know how to relate these two tables. What do I

Get the two different objects together

I’ve got $campus_groups coming from CampusGroup which has and $campus_org_groups coming from CampusOrganizationGroup which has and would like to get both together like this (the important key is group_id and I’m ok if campus_organization_id is left out) If I merge them this is what I’m getting If I union them this is what I’m getting Answer I’ve changed to Notice

Laravel destroy nested resource

I have a resource name OrganizationEmailDomain and able to index it just fine In that view, when clicking in the three dots there’s the destroy part If in that index view I echo $email_domains (<?php echo $email_domains;?>) then I get as expected (note that the following was before the images were added, so the records don’t match the images) When

Laravel get union between two objects

I have the following to get all organizations the logged in user owns and to get all organizations the logged in user is member of Given that I want an object with the union of both, I tested to run then I only get one organization If I run then I got While the result is correct in the sense
