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Tag: database

Clickhouse connection refuse

I have a problem with connection to clickhouse-server by http over 8123 port. All parameters are default. Please help me to resolve this problem. Answer First of all check if even you clickhouse-server is running properly or not using this command: sudo lsof -i :8123 You should be able to see a similar output: Make sure that you have these

Laravel custom db driver

i know there is a nice way of defining connections via app/config/database.php . But i don’t think there is a driver for me available. Imagine my db is read from file, like a txt. (Yeah! that’s my client db, sort of). So in that file, before I i need a real driver! Currently it uses a txt base db but

How to create an array from a MySQL query?

I have a HTML search form made with PHP that connects to a MySQL database, finds a table with columns and rows and then displays this data with an echo under the table. The columns are id, name, short, short_withtag and url. The problem is, if I enter a keyword like pie (such a term existing in all of the

laravel Could not open input file: artisan (5.3)

I’m new to Laravel ad i have just created new project using official laravel documentation. After installing when i run php artisan migrate it will showing Could not open input file: artisan error in console Listing of commands that i run composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravelDemo which will create new folder laravelDemo cd laravelDemo php artisan migrate I’m using Ubuntu
