I was over at MailChimp’s css inliner http://www.mailchimp.com/labs/inlinecss.php and I was wondering if there are any classes out there that can do this, I’d love to have it in my email code instead of going all the way over to MailChimp. Basically I’m looking for the code, behind the page or something very similar. Cheers. Answer You can try Premailer.
Tag: css
How to animate multiple effects at same time using jQuery?
I am using jQuery’s animate() function to animate a div. When I give multiple effects like height 140 and width 200, then the next effects start only after the previous effects finish. I want to execute simultaneously. Any help will be appreciated. Answer The animate method accepts multiple style declarations, you can simply…
HTML coding and mixing of PHP or JavaScript code
I am assigned a task to revise a website and at present, I am working on index.html page. the previous coder has mixed a lot of JavaScript and CSS code in between and it is becoming difficult to read. …
[HTML/CSS/JavaScript/PHP]: In which order code must be written?
While writing code in a file that would comprise of PHP, HTML, CSS & JavaScript, in what order each must appear? What are the best practices for separating the presentation and the logic? Sometimes external .js and other files are using in the link tag. Where these link tags must appear? Answer This doesn’t answer the question directly but the