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Tag: css

dompdf HTML to PDF – can’t set margin of page

version: 0.6.0 beta 3 I tryed in every manner to make dompdf set the margin of the page. I have a long page with a lot of text, divided in chapters… my css is something like: when the php is but what I get is a page with NO margins!!! only the padding of the #wrapper are applied… and they

Image in text line is slightly offset

I’m trying to make a clickable button by treating a hyperlink with CSS and adding a little icon next to it. Everything but one detail works great; namely the icons which are slightly offset from the text on the button. It looks as follows: As you may see, the white icons (12x12px) on the buttons are slightly higher than the

How to change the colors of xdebug output?

The red and yellow standard colors of xdebug can hurt your eyes after a few hours. describes how to replace the style with javascript requiring jquery. I was looking for a more straight forward way and finally found one. Answer The solution is the !important tag, it overrides the existing style values. Use the following css code to avoid

How can I call a WordPress shortcode within a template?

There’s a plugin for the Contact us form. To activate the form, all you have to do is to place [CONTACT-US-FORM] in the page… My page is calling a page template. Is it possible to add the [CONTACT-US-FORM] shortcode in the PHP template? I tried it and it did not work. The WordPress page worked, but not the method I

How to pass variable via AJAX / jQuery?

I would like to know how do I pass a variable to another php-file via AJAX? The variable that has to be passed is called: The problem is that my form in ‘pm_form.php’ has no access to the variable ‘$id’. My script looks like this (this script fires a modal-window and that modal window loads a form called ‘pm_form.php’): When

PHP getting days of a month for a database

I’m making a calender planner with php/css/javascript/html. I am trying to set each day of the month a class which is “day”. I tried using the following: It does not work correctly, it kept duplicating every month and I am not sure how to correctly right the php to achieve what was intended. I am only a beginner at php

Parse inline CSS values with Regex?

I have such an inline CSS like this color:#777;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;left:214px;position:relative;top:70px The CSS may end with a semicolon “;” or not. It also can contain extra space …
