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Tag: contact-form

Sending a mail using PHPMailer with Gmail Account

I am trying to send an email from my website using the PHPMailer library. All I did so for was: I downloaded PHPMailer 5.2-stable from this link. I uploaded the following files on my hosting: class.phpmailer.php, class.smtp.php and PHPMailerAutoload.php Then I created a file name contact.php and wrote the following code in it: But after running this file, I get

Sending mail with no required attachment Laravel 8

I’m working on a project in Laravel 8. I make a contact form that will be sent to my email address and contains name, email, message and attachment. Name, email and message are required but no attachment. When I send the form completely filled in (name, email, message and attachment) everything works fine and the message comes to my email

Is there way to solve blank page php error?

I created a contact page, however when I test it by sending an email to the website’s email (which is a gmail address) it displays a white page here’s my php code for the contact form Here’s my html code (contact.html) Answer It is happening because you forgot to provide name for submit button in contact.html and in contactform.php it
