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Tag: comments

PHP Comment Tag

In the wonderful world of Java/JSP, you can use this form of commenting: In in the much less wonderful world of PHP, the only reference to comments I can find are these: and these: But these WON’T comment out chucks of HTML and PHP tags: results in /* and */ being rendered to the browser, and do_something() is still called.

What is mean by @file tag in dockblock

I am using phpCheckstyle phpcheckstyle for standardizing my code commenting. After validating file in warning it suggests “Doc block comments should include information about file(@file) for each PHP file” The warning resolves when adding @file tag — I want to know what value should I assign to this tag (What it indicates). And what is the difference between @file and

Get comments in a PHP file

I’ve been trying to get the comments out of a certain .php file on my server, in order to parse its variables. I thought Ii found an easy way to do this, however, the function I use doesn’t return anything, even though I clearly have comments in the file. Here are the comments I use: Here’s my code: Is there

PHP commenting standards

I need to comment massive amounts of information in only a handful of files, and when I look around Google and here at Stack Overflow, I continue to find results matching coding standards, when I need commenting standards. My coding matches most coding standards, except when it comes to commenting. What would be examples for the following? Knowing proper style is

Do comments make the code run slower?

I heard that a heavily commented script runs slightly slower than a non-commented one. Is it true? Did anyone test this? (like how much slower is it in percentages) Answer Commenting will not affect the script execution time in normal case. But the number of lines you write in your code affect the parser to read and buffer it considerably.

How can I comment out PHP lines inside HTML file?

In the middle my HTML code, I have a line of PHP. now, I want to make PHP line as a comment. I tried to ues <!– –> but it seems not work for PHP. What should I do? Thanks Answer Imagine you have the following code: If you want the div to be echoed but not displayed at the
