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Tag: codeigniter

How to disable PHP Error reporting in CodeIgniter?

I’ve read the official documentation and all they say is that I should have a error_reporting() function located at the top of your main index.php file. But I don’t have index.php file in my project. My base controller is called core so to get to main index I go to www.mysite.dom/core/. So I guess this error reporting function should be

Codeigniter Environment setting

Codeigniter development environment is not setting. I always use this code in index.php. but i don’t understand why i am getting “production” as output while i am working on localhost. Answer That’s strange. It did the exact same thing for me. Could you try something like this?

How to delete cookie on codeigniter

I don’t know how to delete a cookie. I want is when I submit a form. The cookie is also delete. I try the delete_cookie(“name”) but is not working. I think because the cookie I created by javascript. Please check my code to fix this problem. This is my sample text field: and this is the javascript Answer Using Codeigniter,

codeigniter, result() vs. result_array()

I use both result() and result_array(). Usually i like to get my result as array thats why i use result_array() mostly.. But i want to know which is the better approach that i should follow, Which one of them is more efficient to use in regards to performance? Here is the Example i am talking about in codeigniter queries or

PHP Regular Expression for Bengali Word/Sentence

I am developing a web application using PHP 5.3.x. Everything is working fine, but unable to solve an issue due to regular expression problem with Bengali Punctuation. Following is my code: Whether I pass Bengali word or not, it always returns false. In JavaEE application I used this Regular Expression But in PHP it not working! Anyways how do I
