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Tag: codeigniter

Generate Multiple Page TCPDF on Codeigniter

I have a table that i use to show a data and generate a report based on each row. The table would be like this: this is my controller to generate the pdf so far: and this is the view: and here’s my model I managed to generate a pdf for each row. but is it possible to generate a

uploading docx file in codeigniter

mimes.php var_dump is giving following response This is my some controller code ‘Please I tried all the possible solution available but not able to succeed.Please suggest. Answer I missed docx in controller and adding ‘application/octet-stream’ in docx mimes is solving problem.Thanks for your effort and time.

Create custom function for upload and insert data

Is there any chance that I can create a custom function for upload? I have 2 function which are insert_content() and insert_officials. In that function there is a code for uploading image. How will I do that since they have the same code of config. Answer Just make a function and put it in a model or something: Usage:

Save thumbnail image to another folder [CodeIgniter]

I’m trying to create a thumbnail for the image that will be uploaded to my server. Refer to . After the creation, I want to save the thumbnail to another folder since both the original image and the thumbnail will be saved in the same location. So, I try using move_uploaded_file() function but it unable to move the file.

Save generated QR code image into path

I am generating QR code dynamically from a database, I need to store them in a specified path. when am generating the QR-code and saving individually, but now am generating them in bulk I need to store them in my preferred path. How can I achieve this? This is my Function Answer Hope this wll help you : Your print_qr1

error in file uploading codeIgniter

Below is the code for my controller…. After this call this function where You want to make this upload…in controller but file is not uploaded…….why? Answer Hope this will help you : Your do_upload method should be like this : UPDATE : set upload_max_filesize in your php ini greater than 2MB, if it is wamp just follow : click on

Encrypt / Decrypt personal data Codeigniter

I started updating my application to be compliant with GDPR. This application is using latest version of Codeigniter (I updated now as well). I’m trying to encrypt user’s email address using ‘Encryption’ library. I set my encryption key and I used $this->encryption->encrypt() to encrypt my email address. Everything is fine until here, but how am I supposed to check if
