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Tag: codeigniter

modal not working when use on click event

the button, use to click that pass direct to open in the modal modal section, after button clicked the modal suppose to open and show the data Jquery and ajax, i use on click event to get the id and pass then to the ajax in order to return data from a controller Note:- This cant open a modal after

How can I use route namespace?

I am creating routes in codeigniter-4 and I want to know if I can use namespace for some routes like with laravel given below: Laravel namespace Code Can I implement something similar in codeigniter-4 ? My Codeigniter code Answer Yes you can.

ajax select data with multiple related data

i want to show checkbox looping from db, if i try to select data id_kendaraan in field then show the data from that id. this my view code: my controller: i get data from view $id_kendaraan for my parameter. this my model: but if i try this code, field tahun_beli, id jenis is success to showing in the view. but
