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Tag: class

PHP, how do I pass variables between methods?

I’m trying to pass a variable from one method to another. I’m fetching dates from an events table in order to build a dynamic query in another method. this returns my sumCase array without problems, I’m now trying to access this sumCase array in another method in order to build the query: when I echo my sumCase array within this

add_submenu_page in WordPress

When using the add_submenu_page to create a new submenu in WooCommerce, I get “Cannot modify header information – headers already sent”. The add_submenu_page is as follows: Changing that to the following removes the “Cannot modify header information – headers already sent” errors but fails to render callback function properly: The slp_settings_page callback function, in turn, renders an instance of WP_List_Table

Entity not found with Symfony 5.1

I have an issue with an Entity. The goal is to display a Form which the user can use to change his personal information like the Email or password. I created a form for that, but when I created the /Edit Route I get the following error: “AppEntityUsers object not found by the @ParamConverter annotation.” Here’s my Controller: Here’s the
