I’m trying to display the product description at WooCommerce checkout. I’m using: It takes the product short description and displays it below the product. It almost works perfectly, but it displays a colon (:) at the end of the description and the colon remains even if there is no short description. Result: I can’t figure out why it appears any
Tag: checkout
Change payment card icons for WooCommerce Stripe in checkout
I would like to sort the Stripe displayed payment card icons in a different way in WooCommerce checkout. WooCommerce Stripe plugin support does not provide custom code support so they just gave me a code snippet to modify according to my needs. This code snippet changes out the Visa payment icon: Could someone please modify this code snippet to change
WooCommerce: Set country by default in checkout page for unlogged users
How to make the country default for regular (unregistered users). But if the buyer has a personal account and entered the country there, he would not be thrown into default in checkout? I have tried …
Disallow customer to change country in WooCommerce checkout
I am looking for solution where I can find user’s country in woocommerce checkout page. I am doing it via geolocation. However, the user can change that. I want to restrict it. I am using a paid plugin to give coupons to users from a specific country. The country gets loaded perfectly and coupon is applied or rejected based on
Change WooCommerce checkout city field to a dropdown for a unique country
In Woocommerce, I wrote some code for billing and shipping city to use the shipping charge. Now I want to change the cities list when change country. This is my custom code: But when the user change the country from Saudi Arabia to Qatar, the billing_city does not change to text type, so we must refresh the page to show
Make order notes field required for variations with specific product attribute term in WooCommerce
I have few variable products with variation that have pa_size and pa_color attributes (taxonomy). I have 4 sizes (“s”, “m”, “l” and “special”) and 4 colors. My problem is, for the “special” size: Customer must fill order notes in checkout page, but since it is not a required field, they easily miss it. I found some code for product categories
Change “Remove” link text for WooCommerce coupon on checkout page
Instead of [Remove] on the WooCommerce checkout for added coupons, I would like the text to be [Remove & Re-Calculate]. I am using the following and the text is changed but there is no link (the coupon cannot be removed). This is what I tried: Answer includes/wc-cart-functions.php contains at line 293, just before the woocommerce_cart_totals_coupon_html filter hook. So to replace
How to save from WooCommerce checkout a custom checkbox field state?
I have a problem with the update_post_meta function. I have a user submitted value, which I pass via $_POST and then saving to post meta. All is working fine, but when the value is ‘0’ the post meta is not updated. This is My code: Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong? Answer Since WooCommerce 3, here below
How to clear specific billing field value from WooCommerce checkout
I am trying to clear the billing_po_no field value from my WooCommerce checkout billing Form, by adding the following code into my functions.php file: But it does not appear to be working. Can someone point me in the right direction? Answer Try the following instead: Code goes in functions.php file of the active child theme (or active theme). It should
WooCommerce: get and echo “Order Total” on checkout page
I am trying to get the “Order Total” in a function with this code. But not working. The total is not printed at all. What am I missing here? add_action(‘…