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Tag: amazon-s3

Laravel can’t connect to AWS S3

I have set up an S3 bucket and created an IAM user with full S3 access permission, and ran composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3. I have also have configured the following in .env: The problem is that I can’t interact with S3 at all from my controller. I’ve tried sending files to S3: I have also manually uploaded an image to S3,

Return S3 private file as stream

I’m currently working on a route for a project that I need to get a specific file from S3, read its content, and return as a binary. I can’t just use the S3 file url, because it is private and it is intentional (we just don’t want the bucket files open). But the problem is, I want to stream it

Individual s3 bucket for each user in laravel [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 7 months ago. Improve this question I have a Laravel application, I want to have a secure storage system for my registered users. How should I plan

Stream Filter memory usage

PHP v7.4.16 I have a fairly basic stream filter (which extends php_user_filter), which I’m using to normalise CSV files as they’re transferred to another destination (s3 bucket using the stream …

How to upload files to S3 bucket from url directly

I am getting some MMS messages from my users. Those MMS are coming via twilio. So twilio storing those files into their server and I can visit those files from twilio. But in my case, I need to store those files into S3 and show into our system from S3. I can store those files into my local folder or

AWS CloudFront for PHP hosting

I’m new to AWS and am having some difficulties understanding CloudFront. I have started off with one EC2 instance with NGINX, MySQL, and some PHP files within the public folder to expose APIs to the world. Then I was told CloudFront could be used to protect the instance from malicious attacks. I figured CloudFront required an Elastic Load Balancer. So

Upload image to AWS s3 storage from Laravel showed Heroku Server 500 Error

I’ve added AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_DEFAULT_REGION AWS_BUCKET in Heroku and the according value to Heroku Config Vars. Then, I uploaded image to ‘/images’ folder on s3. After that, Heroku server showed the following error: server error 500 title server error 500 specific Is there anyone can help me explain what’s going on? Thanks a lots. I’m trying figure out… UPDATE: Here
