I’m trying to go through the aforementioned tutorial, but I get stuck on the stage between Step 7 and 9 – when the database goes into action. On local server I get
An exception occurred in driver: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] fe_sendauth: no password supplied
and while on my deployment server everything seems to work good when reading the database: https://akodg6sfgq-gijxpyj6oxpig.eu.s5y.io/admin/ and entering the conference, when I enter a comment https://akodg6sfgq-gijxpyj6oxpig.eu.s5y.io/admin?crudAction=new&crudControllerFqcn=App%5CController%5CAdmin%5CCommentCrudController&menuIndex=2&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fakodg6sfgq-gijxpyj6oxpig.eu.s5y.io%2Fadmin%3FcrudAction%3Dindex%26crudControllerFqcn%3DApp%255CController%255CAdmin%255CCommentCrudController%26menuIndex%3D2%26signature%3DGrbeBTskRKkJuU_MbS0do5B1M2XowgfTuOLaqpPQl4M%26submenuIndex%3D-1&signature=Rre3TFXH2NDeRLj9W-LKo6RJXR1fbvm37Cu8H04gfQM&submenuIndex=-1it hits me with
Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
I don’t know if these two are parts of the same problem, but it coincides.
My .env configuration:
# In all environments, the following files are loaded if they exist, # the latter taking precedence over the former: # # * .env contains default values for the environment variables needed by the app # * .env.local uncommitted file with local overrides # * .env.$APP_ENV committed environment-specific defaults # * .env.$APP_ENV.local uncommitted environment-specific overrides # # Real environment variables win over .env files. # # DO NOT DEFINE PRODUCTION SECRETS IN THIS FILE NOR IN ANY OTHER COMMITTED FILES. # # Run "composer dump-env prod" to compile .env files for production use (requires symfony/flex >=1.2). # https://symfony.com/doc/current/best_practices.html#use-environment-variables-for-infrastructure-configuration ###> symfony/framework-bundle ### APP_ENV=dev APP_SECRET=c3aa1e6b44cb8d1cf26c5137433ed753 ###< symfony/framework-bundle ### ###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ### # Format described at https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/latest/reference/configuration.html#connecting-using-a-url # IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your server version, either here or in config/packages/doctrine.yaml # # DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/data.db" # DATABASE_URL="mysql://db_user:db_password@" DATABASE_URL="postgresql://" ###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
name: app type: php:8.0 runtime: extensions: - apcu - mbstring - sodium - ctype - iconv - pdo_pgsql #variables: # php: # # uncomment on PHP 7.4+ # #opcache.preload: /app/config/preload.php build: flavor: none disk: 512 web: locations: "/": root: "public" expires: 1h passthru: "/index.php" mounts: "/var": { source: local, source_path: var } hooks: build: | set -x -e curl -fs https://get.symfony.com/cloud/configurator | (>&2 bash) (>&2 symfony-build) deploy: | set -x -e (>&2 symfony-deploy) relationships: database: "db:postgresql"
db: type: postgresql:13 disk: 1024 size: S
Docker-compose ps returns:
Name Command State Ports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- guestbook_database_1 docker-entrypoint.sh Up>5432/tcp postgres ,:::49153->5432/tcp
and its configuration is:
version: '3' services: database: image: postgres:13-alpine environment: POSTGRES_USER: main POSTGRES_PASSWORD: main POSTGRES_DB: main ports: [5432]
Any ideas? It started after entering API endpoints in the controllers. Basically any access to database. I don’t want to go further until I resolve this.
Thank you – the username and password were correct. it appears the database has given me the wrong port info. I’ve run the “symfony run psql” and conninfo and got the proper port