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Stripe checkout button is not passing the email address

I am setting up a stripe button to charge a one time fee for a product. I the button works and it charges the customer but when i want to send an email to the customer, i can not fetch the customer email and also the customer email is not showing up in stripe dashboard. I have the following code;

Make select default option from database

i have issue with making default text in my select. (option list). So, my option is storage in database. Like varchar Test Option Now if i make like this in my code it working, but in my list be two same values then. my full code. My code for function q and pick value from database (all value from option

Laravel Many-to-Many Factory with custom id type

I am using Laravel 8 and trying to make database factories/seeders I am having some issues. I have the following database Schema: Now I am trying to create factories and database seeders but I get an error using the following line to seed: This gives me the following error: Which is if I understand it correctly because an isbn number

Laravel I can’t retrieve requester data using with

I am using this package My issue is trying to get all my friends posts with my post including user’s data, but the problem is the requester data is null. Response As you can see the first object in the array dosen’t include the user data. So what should i do $query->filterFollowingsOf($user); to include my data? Answer I think

Laravel files/folders not showing up in Public directory

I want to integrate TradingView’s charting library in my Laravel project. I have copied the charting_library folder to the Public folder of Laravel. After that, I have referenced the charting_library.min.js file from Blade files in view and the other resources related to it. All js files loads successfully, but the problem is that this charting_library.min.js calls an HTML file from

Codeigniter 4 pagination with custome mysql query

In my Codeigniter 4 project i used $db->query(‘select * from myTable’) method to get data. (used this directly on controller without model) Is there way to initialize pagination with Codeigniter for this kind of stuff. I’m new to Codeigniter 4 and not worked $this->pagination->initialize($config); It says Call to undefined method CodeIgniterPagerPager::initialize() Is there way to overcome this issue without using

Array Check if key not exist add default value

//my code Question: Above code is to check whether the data inside each array have the same key, does it mean that every key in the array should have the “deposit” and “withdraw”. If not found it will assign the default value to it. But my code will only insert deposit value into those missing, it will not insert withdraw

ArgumentCountError Too few arguments to function AppHttpControllersShopCartController::addToCart()

So this function is supposed to add the product into a cart, but i’ve been getting the error Too few arguments to function AppHttpControllersShopCartController::addToCart(), 0 passed in C:xampphtdocsnerdSvendorlaravelframeworksrcIlluminateRoutingController.php on line 54 and exactly 1 expected I tried changing key words here and there on my controller, but nothing seems to do it. This is the the controller: My model for
