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php simple rand() look up taking long / crashing browser?

I’m running this code: First loads of the page are usually super fast. Then suddenly: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded It’s either working super fast or crashing. Can someone help me understand why this is? Thank You Answer You have committed a “logic” mistake. If $n1 = rand(1,20); sets $n1 to any number from 11 to

How to fetch Enhanced ecommerce data from analytics using Google analytics Reporting API – PHP

I configured google analytics and integrated Enhanced ecommerce report of my website. (Screenshot – Analytics Dashboard) Now I want to fetch the analytics reports via API. I could successfully fetch the reports in “Audience Overview”. But I couldn’t fetch the reports in “Ecommerce Shopping Behavior”. I used Hello Analytics Reporting API v4 PHP and Dimensions & Metrics Explorer for fetching

Change product name for generated variable products in WooCommerce

TL;DR version How do I change the name that is automatically generated for variable products? Detailed version The product variations all get names based on the variable attributes they generate from. Example Let’s say that there’s the varible product: Vase. Vase has the attribute: Condition, with values: ‘New’ ‘Refurbished’ ‘Used’. So if I do this (get and output all variation

WordPress posts in menu and custom classes

I’m new to WordPress and I’m trying to convert a pure HTML Theme to a WordPress theme. But I have a problem that I can’t find a solution for. In the nav menu, I can’t find a way to selectively add classes to the ul and li elements that WordPress generates as a menu. Basically, I need to set different

pagination data with laravel 5.8

I´m traying to paginate my results of query, but i have a problem with this. I have this code in my controller: and in my view: but i have one error when render blade: i did a print_r and this it´s result: so that, i can show my post in my blog page, but when render blade i can´t show

how i can disable php 8 and enable php7.4 in arch linux

when I run the command php -v I have version 8.0 I would like to change the version to 7.4 despite I have installed php7.4 but I don’t know how to switch between the two versions thank you Answer Let’s assume that the location of php7.4 is /usr/bin/php7.4, in which case will yield something like this: hence, you can use
