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I want to update my car location in javascript

I use leaflet map ,this map can show my location (I success) I hope I can update my location 10 second a time (just this div field, other data not to update) but now I just can update hole page to …

Why array is not updated when i want to print it out (print_r)?

first print_r ($array) shows 8elements, then in the next function i add 2 elements. And print_r in the function addSumMulti shows 10 elements, but print_r after function addSumMulti inside the fillArray shows only 8 elements. What is wrong, what should I change so that i could see 10 elements in print_r after addSumMulti (21 line)? Answer In PHP ordinary variables

How to call specific data from column database in Laravel 8

I want to call specific value from field column in my database.. Let say i have table called posts, my table have field called post_meta_title and have value home How do i call only that value to show in my meta tags.. I have tried it, and it show error Property [post_meta_title] does not exist on this collection instance Does

Update SQLite row only if a column is empty

I have the following: one and three should always be updated. However, how can I update two only if it is null/empty? I can do this in a separate command, though how can I achieve this in one prepared statement? I am using SQLite3 Answer Use a CASE expression for column two: Or with COALESCE():

How to calculate balance in payment and invoice page in laravel?

I have this page showing invoice and payments, I want to calculate balance at end each row of the table. I have my records sorted on DESC order that’s why I am unable to get it right. The result is in below picture, It is sorted by created at, I want that the type Payment is deducted from the balance

Stripe checkout: description in dashboard instead of pi

Can anyone help me? I migrate form v2 to v3 checkout. how can I send my custom description order in stripe dashboard description column? now I get only the payment id pi_1IrhQALKfdoxxl3X07seJ5anto with old API by description I would do: with the new API : Thank you Answer according to the stripe documentation :

Laravel 5.8: Can you help me with this problem

I’m using Laravel 5.8 to develop my Online Store. And in this store, every product has a field of prd_delivery and it can be set one of these values: city_free_delivery country_free_delivery null When it is null, it means that it does not have any free delivery type. And when users select their products, these situations must be applied: Note that

PHP recursive function returning null array

I have a huge array in which keys are also not constant in most of the cases, but there are 3 keys that always constant (#name,#default_value,#value) and #default_value and #value is different i want to get these kind of sub arrays in 1 simple array , for this purpose i am using recursion in whole array and checking out if
