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Boostrap popup from a loop in Laravel

I have content from a loop and I’m displaying title and image in a grid boxes. In addition, in every box of content I have View more button and when a user clicks on, it shows the full content (title, image, body) in popup. I have tested with Bootstrap modal and the popup functionality works but when I click the

PHP: is there a good syntax to initialize an array element depending on whether it is undefined or not, without using if?

The double question mark syntax in PHP will return null if $bar is undefined. This syntax is extremely useful to simplify code and avoid massive if statements. Now I have the following situation It seems so likely that there exists a one-line simplification for the statement but I just couldn’t come up with it. The closest I come up with

PHP Preg_match for authorized characters

i’m a noob in regular expressions. Il would like to prevent a form for special characters. The characters auhorized are : I made a preg_match rule that makes problems I know that i should encapsulate special chars but i didn’t know to achieve this. Can you help me please ? Thanks in advance. Answer You can use Note: Using double

Updating meta value for specific ids

I am updating post meta with this How can I add this metakey and metavalue not only to post ID 3100, but several other IDs? Answer You can define array of post ids and then you can iterate loop of ids. Try the below code. Update as per OP comment.

How to display extra text field on WordPress author page

I want to display an extra text field on the author page which I can fill in the respective user profile when I logged in. Additionally it would be great if the textfield has a WYSIWYG editor. How can I do that? Answer You can use the hook user_contactmethods to add some custom fields to the user page. See this

Concatenating strings in PHP using require() without printing 1 as part of the output

My question is related to php include prints 1. In I’m using this: The problem happens in echo $this->content;. In I’m using this: The problem is the ‘1’ that is printed because the include() method, after successfully including the desired file, returns a TRUE value that when echo’ed out is ‘1’. Do you have specific suggestions to refactor

Passing data from the database to a blade view using a controller in laravel

I found several ways to do what I need to do, the first way was using the rounting using the web.php file. But according to serveral posts this creates vulnerabilities in the application. So I found out the correct usage is with a controller that manages the database queries. I created a controller, named EventsController and put this into it:

How to load an array of external data in QuickChart?

I am looking to use QuickChart in my PHP project. I skimmed the documentation completely. But, everything in it has the data being statically loaded as an array. I am trying to load external data, that is generated from somewhere else, into the chart. To understand QuickChart, I tried to load data dynamically in the examples provided in the documentation.

PHP viewing folder content

I am trying to create a file server. What I am trying to do is -> on the page there will be lots of folders displayed, when you click on one you will be shown its content and if there is a folder inside of this folder you can click on it and it will display the content of that
