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Laravel Views – Possible caching issue

I’m trying to test a laravel upgrade on our production server. I created a new vhost and copied the entire directory over of the original laravel app to the new vhost root. So I have with the original (laravel 5.8 app) and with the copied version. My issue is that if I make any changes to the views

Disable some warnings in Eclipse

I just installed Eclipse (Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers) and I’m currently testing it. Seems great on many aspects, BUT… … I get some warnings I’d like to get rid of, because they have no incidence and just tend to “hide” more useful warning hints. Some variables/class instances used in all scripts are defined/instanciated in an “init.php” file. This file

Image Blob not adding to the mySQL Database

So I tried so many times and tried changing things and still not working, It still add and throw null here’s the code of the HTML, PHP and also JS (just incase needed). I already tried to do some of the methods on github and stack overflow and still doesn’t work. I hope someone can help me with this issue

avoid same numbers and zero in array

I have a form with that table: jsfiddle In this form i need to enable to edit the number fields. After submit i collect the data and write to mysql. Before mysql insert i want to check that the $number array does not contain the same numbers and zero (like: 0,1,1,101,150). If yes give an error to the user that

Load the PHP contents only after switching a nav tab

I have 10 tabs on my project, each of them will fetch some values from API using PHP. It takes 10-15 seconds to load the page every time (since it updates the values for all 10 Tabs) How do i load content only after switching a tab? Load TAB1 at start, then only after clicking TAB2 or TAB3 then load

Decimal are converted to String in Laravel, cast is not working

I have a problem changing data type column in my table, from double to decimal each (6,2). Olso trying to $cast the variable to float, I’ve tried to cast olso as decimal, but nothing change, nothing change: if I dd $this in my resource I got this: The data back to be a number only if I rollback the data

Call an existing php variable by concatenating two strings

I have these seven php variables: I would like to loop through the results array and pass the corresponding variables to a function. I cannot figure out how to declare the variables. Or if this is even possible. I have more than just $data and $target variables, but I simplified down to two for the question. Answer I would not

Laravel route setting incorret and search function issues

This function search user from MySQL. Can anyone knows which part I did wrong ?, searchUser function is not triggered. admin view Answer You can remove type=”button” from below line or change type=”submit” If still that not works for you then you should defile action=”{{ route(‘YOUR ROUTE NAME’) }}” in tag
