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How can i print the data in the array of json file in php

i have a json file which i have decoded.Now i am trying to print the each element in the array which are “id,bin,tur,bank_name” etc. How can i reach the for example second element of the array and print it as a table. and my output is looking like this; Array ( Answer you can simply iterate on the array and

Pregmatch to get contents between square brackets php

I thought I found a solution here on stack that would work, but I might be going about it wrong: what I am trying to do is create an array where it comes out as: Now this regex is suppose to get me the contents, I think, from the square brackets but all I get is: Which is wrong. I

Ajax Status Pending On Multiple Requests

I want to create a jQuery Progress Listener. I have a button which on click executes a PHP script, which runs through a bunch of functions and foreach loops and it takes a while to load. I want to get a response on each loop using the XMLHttpRequest(). I am using this youtube video as a reference. But the scripts

New alternative for getDoctrine() in Symfony 5.4 and up

As my IDE points out, the AbstractController::getDoctrine() method is now deprecated. I haven’t found any reference for this deprecation neither in the official documentation nor in the Github changelog. What is the new alternative or workaround for this shortcut? Answer As mentioned here: Instead of using those shortcuts, inject the related services in the constructor or the controller methods. You

Laravel Mutator Database Value with Variable variables

I have the following Laravel Eloquent Mutator When calling $object->used_working_time i get the value stored in the database as expected. When using Variable variables $object->{‘used_’.$name} with $name = ‘working_time’ the $db value is null. Is there a way to get the database attribute with the second way. I am using Laravel 8.74 and PHP 8.0. Answer Try to create a

How to string two variables together in php

I am new to php. And string concatenation is difficult for me. I want to concatenate the following string: But the string I want: Thanks. Answer Try this(Added single quote to the string): Another solution(Wrap the single quotes in double quotes to branch variable): OUTPUT:

Laravel how to properly pass data to href

sorry if the question is kind of newbie. I am new to php and laravel, still trying to learn through tutorial. I am trying to pass the ‘No’ in my database to the url, so that the url when I clicked on Daftar, it will show{No} Webpage designed I did try to put it this way in my href

Laravel: getting blade components syntax error, unexpected ‘endif’ (T_ENDIF), expecting end of file

I am learning laravel on Laracast however I am having some issues I have this code on file components/layout.blade.php And this on main.blade.php which is the page the view redirects to For some reason Laravel is returning this error: Answer I found what was causing the problem, I had a space between content and =”Hello There” by removing it and

“php bin/console server:run” immediately followed by “composer require symfony/mailer” whenever it is run

I’m working on a Symfony project and would like to know why whenever I run the following command in terminal php bin/console server:run it would be immediately followed by this one composer require symfony/mailer. This is a screenshot of terminal: Moreover, this is what I get as an output on You can notice that the command text “composer require
