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Form an array list in the another format using PHP

I have an associate array format like $aa. Need to form an array list in the different format. Have to form the array like the below format in PHP. Help me on this. Thanks in advance Answer array_map() takes an arbitrary number of arrays as arguments(it can do more than the “standard case” with one array), and then step through

Change value of returned PDOStatement [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 11 months ago. Improve this question I have a function getMaxID, which queries a database (messages) and gets the maximum id I want to change the value name of the only

Preventing http access in Laravel 8

I have a question about force using HTTPS in laravel, i’ve added a condition inside AppServiceProvider.php, creating a middleware and modifying the .htaccess file. But I can still access the http page. Is there any other way to get laravel to redirect to https instead of http, and how to prevent user to acces the http addres? thank you! my

PHP Regex the nested section based on defined parent

I am trying to match a nested content section of the config based on the alias. I have the base prototype working for matching single aliases over here: (section correctly matched to: ‘template_path_stack’ =>) HOWEVER, I want to select a section (which is re-used in the file) based on the section container. In the link above, I need to
