I would like in the method update() to upload files to the server.
upload method:
private function upload($request){ if($request->hasFile('image')){ $image = $request->file('image'); $extension = $request->file('image')->getClientOriginalExtension(); $generate_name = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $file_name = $generate_name . '.' . $extension; $image->move(public_path() . '/post_image/', $file_name); return $file_name; } }
update method:
public function update(ArticleRequest $request, $id) { $article = Article::FindOrFail($id); $file = $this->upload($request); $article->image = $file; $article->update($request->all()); Session::flash('message', 'Wpis został edytowany!'); return redirect('articles'); }
However, when I send the form error occurs.
But the same code with the upload () method store works very well.
public function store(ArticleRequest $request) { $article = new Article($request->all()); $file = $this->upload($request); $article->image = $file; Auth::user()->articles()->save($article); Session::flash('message', 'Wpis został dodany!'); return redirect('articles'); }
I’ve just got this issue and fixed it using Input::all
instead of $request
object, something like:
$data = Input::all(); if(isset($data['image'])) { ... // Do your thing }
It seems like there is any issue with the request
helper/class and the UploadedFile
when you make PUT
instead of pure POST