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How to edit Laravel 7 AbstractHasher or BcryptHasher?

I’m having some problems trying to extend or change a part of the Laravel Framework. Simply I cannot figure out where I can add or edit so that my changes will not be made in the vendor folder.

Essentially my issue was implementing Password Reset functionality to my React/Laravel application. I use inertia to post the reset password form, and it gives the error as follows:

ErrorException password_verify() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given

I use Bcrypt to hash the passwords, so as a workaround I added a couple lines of code to the check function of vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Hashing/BcryptHasher.php:


So now the whole function looks like this:


I can also make the same change in the parent, AbstractHasher, within its check function and this also resolves the error.

This works, but I need to find a solution to implement this fix without making the changes inside the vendor folder. I deploy the app to google app engine so the changes within the vendor folder will not work in my situation. I just need to know how I can either extend or overwrite the BcryptHasher.php or AbstractHasher.php file properly.

Note: This is my first post here, so hopefully I did not format the message too poorly. If any additional information is required I will provide it. Thanks in advance.



To resolve the issue, I adapted @apokryfos answer How to change login hash bcrypt to hash256 to work with BcryptHasher instead of trying to add a new hasher such as Sha256.

To do this I made the following changes:

In config/hashing.php Set the driver as custombcrypt for my implementation.

‘driver’ => ‘custombcrypt’,

In app folder

I created a folder named Libraries to hold my custom hasher classes. This folder can be named anything.

In created Libraries folder at app/Libraries

I created a file CustomBcryptHasher.php


The most important part of this file is this small portion near the bottom


This checks if the value is an array, and if so will extract the first value and use this for the Bcrypt check.

In created Libraries folder at app/Libraries I add created a file named Hash.php which is a copy of /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Facades/Hash.php


In app/Providers I edited the AuthServiceProvider.php to return my CustomBcryptHasher.php when the custombcrypt driver is called.

To do so, I added this code to the boot() function:

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