I want to loop through an associative array that represents a table’s columns and values, and call a stored procedure on each iteration that will insert each value into its respective column. The assoc. array and loop looks like this:
public static function update( int $auctionId, string $title, string $description ) : void { $new = [ 'auction_title' => $title, 'description' => $description ]; foreach ($new as $columnName => $value) { Database::conn()->callSP('sp_auctions_update', [$auctionId, $columnName, $value]); } }
The stored procedure looks like this:
DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_auctions_update $$ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_auctions_update( IN auctionId INT UNSIGNED, IN columnName, IN value, ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN UPDATE auctions SET @columnName=@value, WHERE id=@auctionId; END $$ DELIMITER ;
Is this possible to do? Or is there a better alternative? Many thanks
do you know what the prepared statement would look like in this instance?
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_auctions_update( IN auctionId INT UNSIGNED, IN columnName VARCHAR(64), IN `value` INT UNSIGNED ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN -- Build SQL query text, insert column name from variable into it SET @sql := CONCAT('UPDATE auctions SET ', columnName, '=? WHERE id=?;'); -- Reassign parameters values from local variables to user-defined ones -- because local variables cannot be used in USING SET @value := `value`; SET @auctionId := auctionId; -- Prepare and execute the query PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; EXECUTE stmt USING @value, @auctionId; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END
Alternatively you may concat ALL parameters values into the query text:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_auctions_update( IN auctionId INT UNSIGNED, IN columnName VARCHAR(64), IN `value` INT UNSIGNED ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN -- Build SQL query text, insert parameters from variables into it SET @sql := CONCAT('UPDATE auctions SET ', columnName, '='', `value`, '' WHERE id=', auctionId, ';'); -- Prepare and execute the query PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END
The columnName
parameter value is inserted into SQL query text as-is – so injection is possible. You must add the code which controls this parameter value. For example you may check that the column with provided name exists in table structure.
Another 2 parameters cannot be a source of injection due to their numeric datatype.