I want to generate a PDF from a URL, so I execute the command by WkHTMLtoPDF as below:
/usr/bin/xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1920x1080x24" /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf http://www.google.com /tmp/google.pdf 2>&1
The above command works fine on Terminal, But when I invoke the command inside PHP failed! And show me an error message as below:
array(2) { [0]=> string(27) "which: no xauth in ((null))" [1]=> string(40) "xvfb-run: error: xauth command not found" }
I don’t know how to resolve this issue! Anyone can help me on this, my OS environment as below:
- OS: CentOS release 6.6
- wkhtmltopdf version:
- nginx version: nginx/1.6.3
My PHP code as below:
<php $var = array(); $res = 0; $cmd = '/usr/bin/xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1920x1080x24" /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf http://www.google.com /tmp/google.pdf 2>&1'; exec($cmd, $var, $res); echo $cmd.'<br />'; var_dump ($var); ?>
For CentOS PHP environment the WkHTMLtoPDF tool not need xvfb-run to exec the command, But for Ubuntu PHP environment need xvfb-run to exec the command! I had revised my code as below and the issues was resolved:
$osName = 'lsb_release -d 2>&1'; exec('lsb_release -d', $osName); $isCentOS = strrpos(strtolower($osName[0]), 'centos'); $cmd = '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf http://www.google.com /tmp/google.pdf 2>&1'; if ($isCentOS === false) { $cmd = '/usr/bin/xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1920x1080x24" /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf http://www.google.com /tmp/google.pdf 2>&1'; }
The issues is currently resolved and Thanks @joaoBeno saved me for fixed this issue~~