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Websockets file upload is corrupted (or wrongly encoded) – PHP and JS

I´m working on websocket scripts in PHP and JS and have issue with saving a file (img)

Sending from JS:


Saving in PHP


It saves the file, but it is corrupted, or wrongly encoded…

The uploaded picture is slightly smaller (few bytes) and there is nothing readable in hexeditor (while in original I can read header and so on)

What am I missing? Any flag or something? Thank you very much 🙂

(fopen (w/wb), fwrite, fclose does exactly the same)



Most likely your data/image, is encoded in a frame as defined by RFC6455, so you are reading that frame in PHP with socket_recv. In fact all data sent from JS via websocket is allways encoded in frames.

You have to decode these frames in order to get your data back.

Have a look at

There you will find the decode function.

Good luck.

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