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Want to get the CSRF Token from this text in CURL PHP

I’m trying to get the CSRF token from raw text, basically, I have a lot of text data on PAGE, I have almost 5-10 CSRF tokens on that page all are the same, I just want to grab one csrf token from text and save into in PHP variable.


Here is the code but it’s not working.

TEXT Screen: enter image description here



Your regex doesn’t seem related to your sample text.


  • the ^ character matches the start of your text, while your matches are within the text. So this needs to be removed
  • you’re missing the encasing quotes ' which are in the original text
  • you’re matching [^;]* which means to interrupt when you find a semicolon, but there’s no semicolon in your text

Based on the sample text you shared the regex should be


3v4l example:

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