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Tag: php-curl

send cURL Request in PHP [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed last month. Improve this question I want to send a request to : Like this : in php or laravel. Can someone help me ? Answer Use below funtion

Want to get the CSRF Token from this text in CURL PHP

I’m trying to get the CSRF token from raw text, basically, I have a lot of text data on PAGE, I have almost 5-10 CSRF tokens on that page all are the same, I just want to grab one csrf token from text and save into in PHP variable. Here is the code but it’s not working. TEXT Screen: Answer

Sending file to WebDav server using PHP curl

I am trying to send file to the webDav server using curl. My code is working fine but the problem i am facing is curl -T is deleting all the existing file in network. Is there any other flag which can only send one file and donot touch other files in a network. exec(‘curl -T “‘ . $src . $file

Cannot find php-curl package

I am struggling with the php-curl installation which cannot be found, I have seen plenty of topics related to it but it unfortunatelly did not help much. I want it for an curl function in a php …

Cant echo anything after cURL in PHP

I have a curl that works fine. The file where the cURL is placed is a PHP file, executed by .ajax I am echoing an $apikey at the end of the PHP file, without the cURL script. it prints correctly. …

PHP – comparing 2 identical strings returns false

I have read some posts about this problem. Tried to use trim but it does not help. Php script sends a curl request to another server which returns ok if the request were successful. The script shows ok and stops to excecute – exits. Why ok is not ok for the script? var_dump($request); shows the following: Answer Your “ok” isn’t

PHP curl strange behavior PUT vs. POST

One of my projects contains an interface to a web based database, which I call using curl. A curl with -X PUT will create a new record, a curl with -X POST will update an existing record. If I perform this using Advanced REST Client, it works as it should. If I try this using a call of curl_exec out

PHP: CURL fails to save cookie

I am using PHP from one host to connect to the API of another on the same subnet, which requires cookies to remember the login. It gives me a WARNING: failed to save cookies in /var/includes/cookie. I set up a short test script for myself as follows: The verbose log file gives me this output: The contents of $output itself

API working well on POSTMAN but giving error in Curl PHP

I am trying to fetch the record from the api. It’s working correctly on postman but giving the error when I use curl in php. Here is my PHP Code: Here is the error I am getting after curl: error after curl option On the Postman it’s giving the result perfect as expected: postman result Furthermore api url working perfect
