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Unable to get the user form kreait/firebase-php using $auth->getUser($uid);

I have my PHP code which looks like,

use KreaitFirebaseFactory;
use KreaitFirebaseServiceAccount;
use FirebaseAuthTokenExceptionInvalidToken;
use KreaitFirebaseAuth;

$serviceAccount = ServiceAccount::fromJsonFile(APP_ROOT_MAIN.'/path/to/service/ac.json'); 

$factory = (new Factory)

$auth = $factory->createAuth();

try {
    $verifiedIdToken = $auth->verifyIdToken($token);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Failed"

$uid = $verifiedIdToken->getClaim('sub');
echo $uid;
$user = $auth->getUser($uid);

With the help of the above code, I am able to get the UID of the user but the output for the print_r($user) looks like,

    KreaitFirebaseAuthUser Object
    [idToken:KreaitFirebaseAuthUser:private] => LcobucciJWTToken Object
            [headers:LcobucciJWTToken:private] => Array
                    [alg] => RS256
                    [kid] => jhjkhk90pi9po;jmklkl
                    [typ] => JWT

            [claims:LcobucciJWTToken:private] => Array
                    [name] => LcobucciJWTClaimBasic Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => name
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => Sachin Kekarjawalekar

                    [picture] => LcobucciJWTClaimBasic Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => picture
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] =>

                    [iss] => LcobucciJWTClaimEqualsTo Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => iss
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] =>

                    [aud] => LcobucciJWTClaimEqualsTo Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => aud
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => sachin

                    [auth_time] => LcobucciJWTClaimBasic Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => auth_time
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => 1574274974

                    [user_id] => LcobucciJWTClaimBasic Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => user_id
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => some_user_ud

                    [sub] => LcobucciJWTClaimEqualsTo Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => sub
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => some_user_ud

                    [iat] => LcobucciJWTClaimLesserOrEqualsTo Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => iat
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => 1574274974

                    [exp] => LcobucciJWTClaimGreaterOrEqualsTo Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => exp
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => 1574278574

                    [email] => LcobucciJWTClaimBasic Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => email
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] =>

                    [email_verified] => LcobucciJWTClaimBasic Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => email_verified
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => 1

                    [firebase] => LcobucciJWTClaimBasic Object
                            [name:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => firebase
                            [value:LcobucciJWTClaimBasic:private] => stdClass Object
                                    [identities] => stdClass Object
                                            [email] => Array
                                                    [0] =>


                                    [sign_in_provider] => custom



How can I get print the $user in this format?

"uid": "jEazVdPDhqec0tnEOG7vM5wbDyU2",
"email": "user@domain.tld",
"emailVerified": true,
"displayName": null,
"photoUrl": null,
"phoneNumber": null,
"disabled": false,
"metadata": {
    "createdAt": "2018-02-14T15:41:32+00:00",
    "lastLoginAt": "2018-02-14T15:41:32+00:00"
"providerData": [
        "uid": "user@domain.tld",
        "displayName": null,
        "email": "user@domain.tld",
        "photoUrl": null,
        "providerId": "password",
        "phoneNumber": null
"passwordHash": "UkVEQUNURUQ=",

 "customClaims": null,
    "tokensValidAfterTime": "2018-02-14T15:41:32+00:00"

I need to get the email Id and other details of the user from using the function $auth->getUser(‘some-uid’); but I am unable to get the expected output with the above type of format, I am getting an object of the class as an output. Please refer:



you can get the output by using json_encode():

$output = json_encode($user, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

If you want to access the individual properties of the user record, you can use the UserRecord object directly and access (see

Please make sure to use the latest release of the SDK – the KreaitAuthUser object that your print_r() shows, doesn’t exist in the currently maintained 4.x releases, what should be returned is a UserRecord object.

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