I am stuck on a bit of code for my program, where I am attempting to convert a XML document to CSV using a function in PHP. The code for the function is: And I am calling it in the main script here: the error message I get when running the script through XAMPP is: Line 4 that it is
Tag: xampp
Go to a precedent page in a php site
I’m creating a simple php program and I’m trying to find a way to be able to go from the page 2 back to the page 1 with a button. I tried by making a button in the second page and giving it the value 1 but it gives me error with the user. How can I do it? Answer
Can I use Visual Studio Code plugin Live Server instead of Xampp?
I’ll try to learn PHP for back-end, to create a localhost is it really necessary to use Xampp ??? Because in the past I’ve got lot of unsolvable problems with Xampp. Answer you can Install PHP Server and Live Server from VS Code marketplace and use them instead of xampp for more info please check the answers here https://stackoverflow.com/a/64542693/11236563
Get Error “Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in”
Here’s the error I wan’t to add text “You” Before msg but it getting error. my php code : ($outgoing_id == $row2[‘outgoing_msg_id’]) ? $you = “You: ” : $you = “”; Answer i think this error returned due to the nullable of the $row2 this besides the wrong format of the condition as @DamianCabelloJiménez mentioned we can add a little
XAMPP localhost – Access denied error 403 after changing directory
I’m using php storm for a project and I tried to change from the built in web server to the apache one as it messed with my url redirections. Using a mac, I changed the directory to this one : After restarting the server, typing localhost in the search bar should direct me to the index.php file but I get
How can I install Atta?
I’ve already install XAMPP and composer. My XAMPP is 7.4 and my composer is using composer 1. I’m not yet upgrading to composer v2. How can I install this project on my computer? The project seems to be located at https://github.com/erleiuat/Atta. Answer Steps to be done: Open git bash or terminal or command prompt on Windows. Change directory to htdocs
How to create VIEW witch combined and filtraded result from multiple rows
Hi i have problem with task i need to do. I have a table in SQL showing log of users (subscibers) with triggers that add TIMESTAMP, ACTION PERFORMED and NAME of the subscriber, looks something like this: TABLE: audit_subscibers ID Name Action Time 0 John Insert a subscriber 2020-1-1 1 John Deleted a subscriber 2020-3-1 2 Mark Insert a subscriber
PHP autoloading namespace on xampp
I am trying to autoload php class under namespace on xampp. But for some reason it cannot find class under its absolute path. here is my autoloader: here is my class This is my file system: This i error i am getting: Warning: require_once(C:/xampp/htdocs/app/admin/modules/smartForm/smartForm.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:xampphtdocsphpsmartfromappsystemautoLoader.php on line 3 Answer Looks
Xampp port 80 is use
Port 80 in use by “”C:Apache24binhttpd.exe” -k runservice” with PID 30352! Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free! You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port Edit : I’ve tried all solutions I found in StackOverflow but it doesn’t work!! Answer On the control panel, change
Laravel uses incorrect database when Http request is sent from another Laravel app
I seem to be running into a weird issue. I am triggering a post request using the Http facade from a laravel app to another laravel app. Both these apps are linked to separate databases. When I try to trigger the same endpoint using postman, it works fine but when the request is triggered from the other laravel app, the