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Tag: wordpress

Custom Endpoint API based on attribute gutenberg block

Viewed 4 times 0 I need to return all posts that have the value of a specific attribute that is saved in the custom block attributes gutenberg. This value in the query will be according to the endpoint below. http://idinheiro.local/wp-json/idinheiro/v1/blocks-posts/id-here-attribute-gutenberg-block below my callback function. In short, how do I look for this attribute and put it there in get_posts? Register

convert curl post to wp_remote_post

Here is curl code which is working very good But if i try to convert this above code to worpress wp_remote_post i am getting error. here is response i am getting Please let me know where i am doing wrong ? Answer I got it there was problem with the header array i was passing that array wrongly Wrong

advanced custom fields can’t do nested loops repeater inside repeater have_rows() not doing anything

I have a repeater inside a repeater and I need to loop what is in it. I’m following this: This is my field structure: So with that in mind, as I understand it, I need to loop over agenda_section_events and inside that I need to get rows So that code looks like this: I’m really confused because all

Rename “Have A Promotional Code?” in Woocommerce

check please: I have AVADA and Woocommerce theme installed, but I need to change the “Have A Promotional Code?” and I can’t find the correct code to do it. I have already tried different ways that appear on the internet without success from funtions.php. Could you guide me? Answer Try this code. I’ve tested from the my side and

Worpress file permisions and ownership after migration

I am using wordpress on mac and I did a migration to a new macbook, since then I have been having loads of problems with file permision and ownership. First I was having the: I fixed this by adding this entry to the wp-confing.php Then when I tried to update a plugin, I got the: And I fixed that by

Schedule WooCommerce sale price based on days of the week

Running a restaurant delivery website, I would like to create sale products based on “days of the week”. Tuesday 5 products Wednesday 10 products Saturday 6 products For example, if Tuesday and product id is on sale, then sales price should be shown. I tried re-using this but can’t find a topic about adding the sales price. Answer I havent
