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Tag: woocommerce

Variation Product Shows Price Twice | WordPress WooCommerce

In wordpress WooCommerce, when i add a Variation Product, variation is set only by Two colors, Starwhite = 9000 Ivory = 15000 On the Single Product page, I get to see price mentioned twice, as shown in screenshots. I want to retain the price defined in variation. Remove the other one. The price which is not required is showing up

WooCommerce orders page add customer role custom column

I want to add column to show the customer role on the WooCommerce orders, I search and everything I found is for one user. I also found this code on this link (WooCommerce show custom column) but I do not understand where I put what I need. I also found this code ( but I do not managed to get

How to add woocommerce custom order status?

I have added new custom order status to woocommerce by using following function. whenever I go to edit order and changed the order status to newly added custom order status and click on Save Order button. After loading the order status automatically changes to Pending Order not stands in newly added custom order… How to overcome this problem…? Answer The

update_order_review( ) on button click

I have a custom button on my checkout page, on click I’m adding a product to cart via AJAX. JS: PHP: After that, I’d need to refresh the order review, so it displays my newly added product also. How can I do that? Answer All you need to do is call a trigger on the body to update the cart.

How to get all checkout fields from WooCommerce?

I like to get all available checkout fields, including third party ones: returns a fatal error: Is there an offical way to get them? Edit: My plugin needs a dropdown field with all available checkout fields on the backend. What I like to have is an array like this (I var_dump the $checkout_fields variable of the WC_Checkout class) : Answer
