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Tag: visual-studio-code

Limit value of array show in debug side bar

I’m trying to increase the value limit of an array in debug side bar. By default, with an array with many elements, vscode only displays up to 32 values. I want to increase it to a certain number or unlimited. This is my launch.json file: But it seems that using max_data is incorrect. So, how to increase it to a

Visual Studio Code 1.56 PHP Validation not work

When I upgraded the VS Code from version 1.55 to version 1.56 the inline PHP validator stopped working (onType). I downgraded to 1.55 and everything works. Has anyone had this problem and how can I activate PHP validation in version 1.56? I tried HTML and JavaScript, this two validators works fine. Answer PRoblem is fixed in VS Code 1.57

VS Code PHP Debugging without xdebug.remote_autostart=1

How can I use the PHP debugger withing VS Code without the following setting in PHP.INI? This setting makes apache extremely slow. Before I used PHPStorm and this supplied a parameter un the URL that triggered the debugger. I wonder if this is possible in VS Code too. I use VS Code 1.53.2 with the PHP extension pck from Felix

VSCodium (VSCode) doesn’t start debugging PHP (PHP Debug + Xdebug, Linux)

Goal Debug with PHP Debug, Xdebug and VSCodium. Problem VSCode doesn’t start debugging. When I click Start Debugging the blue line under the debugging control buttons appears and moves for a few seconds and then the control buttons disappear. Same when I press the green “Run” button Also on the left side, where “variables”, “watch” and “stack” are shown nothing

Xdebug error on local environment [Failed loading /usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20190902/]

I want to use Xdebug on the vscode. I tried it while reading the official documentation, but I couldn’t get it to work and got the following error. php –ini Has anyone else encountered the same problem? Thank you. Answer I got this working by doing something similar to this: I added to ~/.bash_profile. You can run source ~/.bash_profile
