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Tag: variables

Variable variables in classes using PHP 7

Actually I’m migrating a bigger project from PHP 5.3.3 to PHP 7.1.13. In older versions of PHP it was possible to code following access to variable variables: This shows: Using the same code in PHP 7 it shows: In PHP 7 I figured out, that I have to use this way to get the same result: I found in the

Passing variables to another page with url – PHP

I want to execute some PHP code by clicking on a link and Passing variables to another page with url Pleas help me. Such WordPress Site: Answer You set $_SESSION[‘status’] to 0 and then set it to 1, so it will always be 1. Additionally, the link you click has nothing to do with the session vars. Page 1:

Executing Python Script with PHP Variables

I am writing a simple application that uses information from a form, passes it through $_POST to a PHP script that executes a python script and outputs the results. The problem I am having is that my python script is not actually running with the arguments being passed in. process3.php file: Output: At the top of my, I have

PHP passing array in session variable

I am trying to get an array to pass in a session variable from one page to another. I am setting the session variable equal to my the $_POST data collected from my form. Printing the variable for test shows me that it is getting set initially on Page 1. Page 1 On Page 2 I am trying to set
