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Tag: url-routing

How send Id to my view in redictionRoute Symfony

(Sorry for my english) I’m making a subscribe system (the flush is ok in database) than: My Route of redirection needs an Id How can I send this id to the redirection ? I tried to play with the user object but no success Answer Try this Or (PHP < 5.4) Symfony should then load the User with that ID

How to find out from what URL a user came from

I work at a company, lets call it ‘A’, that got taken over by company ‘B’ but basically still is its own company. Now I have made an application, but my boss and I thought it would be a nice idea to change the design of the page depending on from which of the two company’s the user is from.

.htaccess is renaming my css, img, and js

I am trying to route a single blog post from a url The url looks like this : http://localhost/news/post/1/post-title-slug And my .htaccess: And my routing file I am currently using a library called nezamy/route When I do this my css, js and images is renamed as well to something like this: http://localhost/news/post/1/css/main.css Answer You need to add the css/js files

GET method in php mvc framework

I am writing a PHP MVC framework from scratch by myself, I use this .htaccess rules to redirect all requests to my bootstrap: Now the problem is I can’t use GET method anymore on forms, when I want to submit a search form using GET method the get parameter won’t send, but it will work with post but it’s not
