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Tag: telegram-bot

How to send custom emoji by Telegram bot?

I want to send premium emojis by Telegram bot (I have a premium account and created a bot with it), but when I try to send it (I send emojis to the premium account), unfortunately, the emoji is sent normally. my code: Message should be like this: Answer This feature will be activated in the future.

Telegram sendPhoto with multipart/form-data not working?

Hi I am trying to send an image. The documentation states that I can send a file using multipart/form-data. Here is my code: In both cases, I get this response: Other download methods (by ID and by link) work. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Answer Using the php-telegram-bot library, sendPhoto can be used like so: The

how can i ban some numbers from checking on bot

like if someone type command “!user 123456” then send message “number banned” I tried this but won’t worked… $ban = array(‘112233′,’123456’); if(strpos($message, “!user $ban”) ===0){ sendMessage($chatId, “<u>Number Banned!</u>”, $message_id); } Answer Instead of using strpos, if you’re going to do more commands you should parse out the action and data from the message, then you can use logic to do
