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Tag: stripe-payments

Create Checkout Session.php 404 not found

I have downloaded the above code from here and put the file in my Xampp folder under htdocs, so whenever I am running http://localhost/my-projects/stripe-payments-prebuilt/checkout.html so it is showing me the checkout the page but when I clicked on the checkout button then it is showing “checkout.html:30 POST http://localhost/create-checkout-session.php 404 (Not Found)” I mean what I have done wrong, I

Stripe checkout button is not passing the email address

I am setting up a stripe button to charge a one time fee for a product. I the button works and it charges the customer but when i want to send an email to the customer, i can not fetch the customer email and also the customer email is not showing up in stripe dashboard. I have the following code;

Set description for Stripe checkout session

I developped the last Stripe module for the end of the year as they ask, but since I put it, I haven’t any more the description and the name of the customer in Stripe. Do you know how can I put it again ? This is my code in PHP : And this is what I have now Answer You

PHP – Stripe Webhook is giving a TLS Error

I am trying to set up webhooks for Stripe. The webhook connects to which then forwards the request (after adding a validation token) to Both these urls are hosted on the same server. Payment Intents generated from successfully go into Stripe. (Update: I can also query run successful Stripe commands like StripeCharge::all() from authdomain, which verifies that
