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Tag: sqlite

How do I add a new key value pair to an object in PHP?

I guess my question is two-fold In Python if I do this I’ve created a dictionary In javaScript if I do the same thing I’ve created an object What is that in PHP? It could just be that I don’t know the terms I’m working on a project with laravel. I basically have an sqlite database which I am accessing.

convert sqlite data to json using php

I’m trying to convert sqlite query into json. I have the following table with two columns name and age. When I print the query the format doesn’t seem to be correct. why am I getting an extra key value pair? output desired output Answer Change query to get only those column which are required: And then use SQLITE3_ASSOC Reference:- SQLite3Result::fetchArray

SQLite3 (PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function exec())

I’ve been innstall and add conf: I have installed the necessary components and added to the configuration file line, maybe in php.ini need to add something? Answer Unless Im missing something your protected $_db may never get set so you cannot call exec() on null. It will never get set if this does not equal true – You should check

Sqlite PDO query returns no results

Getting no results no matter how broad my query PHP: 5.3 Sqlite3: 3.6 PDO: 5.3.3 I would think this should be a very simple process but even looking around I still don’t know why I’m getting 0 results. Here is my code: Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? The ‘foo’ table will only have four columns, and this

what is the difference between sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite

I’m migrating my web application from MySQL to SQLite database. I found out there are two PHP extensions for communicating with sqlite: php_sqlite3.dll and php_pdo_sqlite.dll. What extension is better? Or another question: what are the basic differences between these extensions? Answer PDO is a wrapper for database connections in PHP. It’s designed to cover the functionality offered by the majority

Check empty select in sqlite?

How can i check the result of my query? I try this, but when the result is empty – error doesn’t shows. Answer Note that sqlite_fetch_array() returns a result handle, not the number of rows, so you should not compare it against zero: This function will return a result handle or FALSE on failure. Use sqlite_num_rows() to determine the number
