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Tag: session

PHP Unset Session Variable

I’m a noob programmer so I apologies in advance for any obvious mistakes. I’ve spent the past week creating a product database kinda thing. I’ve got too the point where I can add products using a form,…

Control repeated requests in Phalcon

I want to intercept the same request, so i write a flag in session if one request come, such like this: in Security.php/beforeExecuteRoute in ControllerBase.php/afterExecuteRoute But the session of write need real time, if the request send quickly, it will not work fine.For example,at the same time, only to allow a person to enter, when a person enters,the door will

Session sweeping lottery

Can someone explain what a session sweeping lottery is? I’ve attached the default session config file for the Laravel framework. Questions: 1. It says that some session drivers must manually sweep their storage location. Could someone describe this process and why it is necessary? What session drivers require this action? 2. Why is a lottery necessary? If say some form

How can I set session variable with JavaScript

By using below code on button click I get the href attribute value, until this everything is fine but when I got my href link on button click we want to store it in the session variable (i.e. var href) because we also use this variable elsewhere. Please suggest me how to store JavaScript variable in session.? Answer Please try

Is session.cookie_secure in php.ini automatic?

Simple answer requested: If I put in the php.ini file for my website, will that automatically turn all the php cookies to secure and httponly, or will I still need to put in true, true into parameter slots 6 and 7 in the cookie itself? Answer The answer is yes. Setting this in php.ini is enough (however, I only saw
