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Tag: select

Select Value Did Not Enter Database after clicking post button

After clicking button submit, only select option of “type” is posted in the database, but select option of “Supplier” did not posted and only shows “0” values in phpMyAdmin. Whenever I try to add a product, all the details are inputted to the database, but only “supplier” field is input with “0” Example of image is as below Example of

Boostrap Select

It doesn’t show output <option>. It shows only the select with no element inside. I’m using bootstrap-select library. What’s the problem? Answer You don’t have any problem: It’s working here: Try to set the function like this (inside script tag):

How can I improve my query so it takes less time to execute, and I can still divide the result into pages using multiple tables

I am trying to create a PHP website that would allow users to see a leaderboard of online game players by their ranking. The ranking consists of following components: Rank (Challenger, Grandmaster, Master, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron) Tier (I, II, III and IV) League points (an integer number) Each rank consists of 4 tiers, except for Challenger,

MySQL SELECT in order of array values

Can anyone help me with a Query query? I have an array of IDs $IDvalues = array(“128”, “159”, “7”, “81”, “82”, “83”); And need to retrieve data from another table in the order of the array. At the moment, I have this query: But it’s getting it in numerical order (7, 81, 82, 83, 128, 159). I need 128 first,

PHP selectfield get value from database, change and POST

I’m a beginner with PHP and have some decent issues ^^ Would like to pick the data from the field “disabled” from the database and update the selectfield with the value. The selectfield has 2 possible options “yes” and “no” (value 0 or 1). Now i would finally like to post the selected or unchanged value back to the database.
