So i’m working on validating a form’s inputs using the following code: So basically, there are two fields in the form, a title and a body and they have the above rules. Now if the validation fails I want to catch the error directly in the controller and before being redirected to the view so that I can send the
Tag: rest
Error when trying to get Instagram Embed page HTML code
I’m trying to get the HTML Code of the Instagram’s Embed pages for my API, but it returns me a strange error and I do not know what to do now, because I’m new to PHP. The code works on other websites. I tried it already on other websites like and the strange thing is that when I call
WordPress custom endpoint – rest_invalid_handler
I am completely new with PHP and WordPress, however I start to write my first plugin that should be able to expose a custom endpoint. I managed to register and activate the plugin and the route, but when I am trying to access this endpoint I am getting the following error: If I access the: http://localhost/myWp/wp-json/myCustomPlugin/v2/ it looks like my
Decoding a gzipped string in PHP
I am trying to decode a gzipped body of a REST response (YouTrack-API) with PHP. Nothing seems to work: Automatic decoding from CURL does nothing Using Guzzle with headers set to accept encoding does nothing Simply putting the acquired string into gzdecode() does nothing I have tried gzinflate, gzdecode and some wild combinations of them including stripping off bytes at
Prestashop – REST endpoints for my module
I’m developing Prestashop module, it will export customer data and orders, it will contain hooks for customer synchronization, cart and order events – generally module which will be an integration with CRM-like service. My module contains it’s own views, made in vue.js – single page, async. There are register, login, settings, etc. pages. Communication with backend is made by GET/POST
Ionic 3 Uncaught (in promise): [object Object]
I am new to Ionic 3 and mobile development. I am trying to connect a MySQL DB to my Ionic app and a PHP Restful API. I tested the API with Postman and it is working just fine, in order to implement it …
Guzzle service description json array
How can I set parameter in Guzzle service description to be a json array? This is what I have tried but is not working: Call: The json correct json structure to be send is this: Answer You have to write nested definitions as per JSON schema validation rules. I had done this with XML based requests. Let me try this
api platform – Unable to generate an IRI for the item
I’m starting with API Platform and I’m using the example entity “Foo”: I succesfully see the new Entity in dashboard (See image): API Platform Dhasboard And I had the following error when I try to get all Foo collection: I tried different formats and check the the routes too: It’s possible what I need some special library in my server?
Google Books API Limit Results
Is there any way to limit the results returned by the Google Books API? For example the following URL: Returns the following: “kind”: “…
Groups Annotations don’t works
Symfony 3.1.7 + FOSRestBundle latest version Then in my Article entity I added this annotation @Groups({“article”}) with the right use statement. Whit default serializer I get : Whit JMS serializer (bundle) I get : (I have two articles in db) it seems like the “article” group is not recognized. When I use the default serializer whithout this annotations I get