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Tag: postgresql

How to establish PHP PDO connection with pooling

I want to connect a Postgres database with pooling:true. Can we do it with PHP new PDO option? If not are there any reliable options? I want to pass the below parameters(similar) while establishing the connection: Pooling=true;Minimum Pool Size = 2;Internal Command Timeout = 0;Command Timeout = 0; I cannot find any such details in Any help will be

pg_insert(): Accepts only string key for values

I’ve got postgres table with an auto-incremental column, and attempting to insert data from PHP with pg_insert returns a string key error. How would I go about modifying this for the different datatypes? Currently returns the following error: A var_dump returns: My Postgres table is made up of: Answer From the PHP manual: pg_insert() inserts the values of assoc_array into

ST_WITHIN function does not exist

Im confused on how to use this function within my query. My code that I am using is as follows: When I try run this I get this error: Warning: pg_query_params(): Query failed: ERROR: function st_within(geometry, geography) does not exist HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. I want

how to save binary type in postgresql

this is php code to save binary data (image,3dmodeling) To store 3d modeling and textures, it was a DB created to manage them in the first place. When sending and receiving a file, the file is not converted . It seems that I have a wrong understanding of bytea that this method is not working properly now, but I am
