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Tag: post

Retrieve Data from POST Method and Display in HTML H1 Tag

Greetings, I am developing a website using WordPress and elementor. I have a form with the POST method on page1 which is redirecting the user to page2. How do I receive that data on page2 and display it in the H1 tag on the same page? Answer Data submitted from a form with the method=’post’ attribute can be accessed using

Can’t insert data on my database from laravel

When I try to insert data into my database, Laravel does not insert the records, but it is strange because when I migrate the tables to be able to perform the database, Laravel creates them without any problem, I do not know what I can be doing wrong if the migration run but stored no Route: Controler: Template: Answer The

Yii2: Rest POST Request Parameters not arriving

Good morning, I dont get any further in this Topic so i am writing a Question here. First of all i created a DB Table with Data from the Tutorial: Then i created a Rest Controller from that Tutorial with the Data above: The first example GET Request from the Tutorial works fine and gives me all of

Post Method only posting last value fetched from database

I am displaying list of items(multiple entries) from database on one page. I am trying to post all those values fetched from the database to another php file to add item to cart. But when I press ‘add to cart’ button for any item in the list, it is only sending last item through POST. I know it is because

PHP 8.1 $_FILES missing type property

I am upgrading my website from PHP 7.4 to 8.1 which is causing an unusual issue with $_FILES. I’m trying to upload a new file but nothing happens. This issue cannot be regarding the file size as I’m trying to upload .txt files containing a single word. Example of my code: When the from is posted the data within $_FILES

Sending null values to php from post js

I’m trying to send values obtained from datable to a php file but sends null and return empty values from php This is what’ive tried crud_unidades.php : Now I have no idea on how to assign that javascript variable to the php one to use the phpvariable to look up stuff in my database please help Answer This was the

How to submit a POST using tag?

I realize we need forms to submit a POST or perhaps with the help of a button. However, how do we do it using tags? Example code: I’m trying use PHP to read a text file for a number of variables (names of each picture that I’ve saved). From the text file, this PHP will then convert the variables into

Need to pass dynamic values inside CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS

I have to make a post request and have done the same using postman for testing. Now, the code base is using php and I have never used php ever before. Upon checking the code section in postman, I got this: The problem is that I have to pass dynamic values instead of firstname, lastname4 etc. The values I have
