I use Laravel 8 with PHPUnit 9.3.3 Now I has written in CreatesApp.php: And this code executes every test and I want this code executed ONLY before testing: Answer If you want to execute some commands only once at startup – you can bootstrap tests with your own boostraper: docs But, your way is not correct: Tests MUST be isolated:
Tag: phpunit
How to mock Eloquent Model in Laravel 8 when calling a route in PHPUnit
I’m trying to mock a method in the Model so that I am able to test the controller api endpoint with different scenarios. I am currently using Laravel 8 with PhpUnit and Mockery package. In the route I am using Route model binding. api.php ProjectController.php ProjectControllerTest.php I am currently getting this error I have tried other options like makePartial() instead,
How to test for character references in Symfony with PHPUnit?
I want to test this very simple page generated by my PHP/Symfony project (It’s in French, so it needs the hard spaces in front of the exclamation points.) I thought an equally simple test such as would do the trick, but I get a failure. Further inquiry shows that returns So, how do I help assertSelectorTextContains() (and more generally,
PHPUnit – suffix argument ignored in directory tag under testsuite
I recently realized that I cannot run all my phpunit tests at once unless I use the “php artisan test”, and I don’t understand why. I would use the other option but I can’t do coverage with that. I assume it’s somehow related to my configuration file being wrong because of a syntax change, or my directory being set wrong
Symfony mocking repository for testing
I’m trying to mock a repository containing all modules, and it has a method called findAll() that returns all elements from that repository. I cant seem to be able to pull any data from the mocked repository. Any ideas how I could fix it? Mocking repository: Trying to use method from ModuleRepository class called findAll() that returns all elements from
How to get PHPUnit testing working with a function that returns an IP?
I’m just new to TDD and I’ve installed PHPUnit with PhpStorm. I have this class and function, and I want to test for the IP address match. I’m trying to create the code for the test, and I’m not sure what to put in. I have tried But $test is undefined obviously. What should I do next? Tried suggestion given
How to fully cover conditionals while testing code (eg. PHP and xdebug)
Some time ago I have started writing tests in PHPUnit (v. 9). It’s great and amazing but: How I can properly cover conditionals? I will give some examples where result is correct and expected, and where I see problems. Here it is: Please note that code below is only the sample. I know that when I pass true to if
“Bad variable name” when trying to run phpunit tests via a Makefile without deprecation warnings
I have a Make target called test. It looks like this: I want to set up a git hook that runs all tests before commits. In order to do this without getting stalled on deprecation warnings, I want to have my hook run a different Make target. It looks like this: However, when I try to run this target, I
Failing to load Xdebug when running PHPUnit Tests
I have been having a option for a few days. When I try to run a PHPUnit test I get a message saying failed to load Xdebug. I have tried to reinstall, change filepaths etc but I am getting nowhere. Hoping somebody can help me out 🙂 Answer Failing loading xxxx.dll is an indication that PHP can’t load the extension
PHPUnit assertDatabaseHas with Laravel and Inertia
I have a Laravel 8 setup that utilises Intertia.js. I’m trying to test my post routes to store new resources and want to assert that the database has the new record stored, using the assertDatabaseHas() method. Controller.php CreateSlotTest.php When I debug the session I can see the slot that I added to the with() method but I can’t figure out