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Tag: php

Subscript in PHP and Loops

I am using ACF and PHP to create a WordPress website currently working through basically a loop and looking to connect a subscript and a tag by an ID that needs to have a counter increment on it so that the ID can change from #footnote-top-1 to #footnote-top-2, #footnote-top-3, etc and have the link also change. , . If so

Show the users that I liked using Laravel

I’m working on a small project using Laravel, and I would like to create a like and dislike system, so a user can like one to many more users. I already have a table called Users (default by Laravel), now I have created another table called favorite_user with id, user_id and liked_the_user. How can I get all the users that

Meilisearch: user protected search

I have a database table “movies” with three fields: id, title and user_id. Behind a login users can create new movies with a custom title. The user_id is set automatically to the current logged in user. Now on another page (also behind the same login) the users can see all their own created movies as a list. They also can

Why my modal window is replicated in all views

I am in the creation of a modal window but this window has something very particular and it is that I only want it to be displayed at the moment of logging in, that is, after the user enters their credentials. At the moment I am presenting an error and it is that the window is being shown in all

Either session expires in the middle of work or Warning: session_cache_expire(): Session cache expiration cannot be changed when a session is active

Using PHP 8.0.6 on Windows 10 locally I received this error message: Warning: session_cache_expire(): Session cache expiration cannot be changed when a session is active in C:pathsessions.php on line 5 I updated the same file on the live Linux server (PHP 8.0.9) and the issue doesn’t occur. The relevant code: My first guess is that this might be a Windows

How Can I Identify Which Linked Was Clicked With PHP?

I have connected to my database with PHP and selected a bunch of names with a query. Each name has an id value. I created a while loop that loops through the results and outputs something like this: (id only displayed for explanation purposes) At the linked page I want to run a query like SELECT * FROM database.table WHERE
