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Tag: node.js

How to convert editable PDF to non-editable PDF in PHP/NodeJS?

Problem I would like to know is there any PHP/NodeJS API available to convert editable PDF to non-editable PDF online. We have a client application where we need a scenario where the user downloads the PDF should not able to modify it thought any software (eg. Foxit reader, Adobe) Basically, we are using PDF-LIB right now and it seems there

Execute node script in php from remote server

I have a web application that interacts with API. In html file is an element with onclick property for this function: Then index2.php has written only this code: <?php exec(“/usr/local/bin/node script.js”); ?> The script.js is just a file which is executed. Everything works fine on my maschine when using MAMP. However when I upload it on real server and open

Microservice Clients Circular Dependency

In a Microservice architecture, using client packages to communicate between services, we ran into an issue where two client packages depend on each other, creating a circular dependency. We are trying to figure out the best solution for this and I’m wondering if anyone would be able to help or point us in the right direction. Here is the scenario:

Node js can not read the data from curl request via php

I have a problem to read the data I sent via curl request in nodejs. With Postman everything is working properly, but when I try to send request via curl, the api return 500 internal server error and I don’t know where is the mistake. so here is my php code so now I will share with you the part

Color show not properly in the js tree

I have a problem to get the color in the js tree. Below is my coding: This is javascript: My output cannot follow the number to present the color if I’ve added “$testing” variable word in the front of the number.Like below the picture: Actually I want the output like below the picture. The color can show infront of number.

How can i store following image using nodejs

I’m scraping the data from the website in order to scrape further data i need to solve captcha that i’m thinking of giving user to solve but site uses language PHP after some digging site is using PHP-GD that i need to scrap as image but URL giving me some values that i don’t know how to procede in img
