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Tag: mysql

Escape a pdo query, is that necessary?

My question of to day is. Do i need to escape PDO in my script? $columns = implode(“, “,$column); $query = ”.$query.’ ‘.$columns.’ FROM ‘.$table.”; $dbh_query = $dbh->prepare($query); $dbh_query-…

Datatables + PHP: Server-Side Processing on Multiple Tables

How can I get Datatables Server-Side Processing script to work with a custom query? I need to select columns from multiple tables and have Datatables render them.’s Server-Side Processing (SSP) with PHP is summarized here: I found this SO question, but the original poster never provided his solution. I don’t have sufficient reputation to ask him to provide

PHP/SQL Dynamic menu depending on different tables

I’m trying to manage a dynamic menu based on results from tables in my database. Code below is so far i have come.. But i can’t get it to display as i want to. i have 3 tables in my database looking like this. ws_categories id maincat (name of main-category) ws_subcategories id subcat (Name of sub-category) parentcat (id of main-category)

No response from PHP on AJAX request

I am working on a simple signup page using jQuery and PHP using AJAX. Here is the script for making the ajax call: and the PHP script which responds to the call: signup.php: using PDO. dbconnect.php: Problem Neither of the two responses are being returned to the jQuery ajax call. I checked with console.log() but nothing shows up in the
